Journal Articles
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. STEWART: STacking Ensemble for White-Box AdversaRial Attacks Towards More Resilient Data-driven Predictive Maintenance. Computers in Industry. 2022. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. DOWELL: Diversity-induced Optimally Weighted Ensemble Learner for Predictive Maintenance of Industrial Internet of Things Devices. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2021. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. RESPIRE++:Robust Indoor Sensor Placement Optimization under Distance Uncertainty. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2021. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Baris Aksanli, and Reyhan Aydogan. Algorithm Selection and Combining Multiple Learners for Residential Energy Prediction. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2019. PDF
Conference Proceedings
- Sean Fuhrman, Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing. CND-IDS: Continual Novelty Detection for Intrusion Detection Systems. IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC). 2025. (accepted) PDF
- Le Zhang, Quanling Zhao, Run Wang, Shirley Bian, Onat Gungor, Flavio Ponzina, Tajana Rosing. ORCA: Offload Rethinking by Cloud Assistance for Efficient Environmental Sound Recognition on LPWANs. ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys). 2025. (accepted) PDF
- Le Zhang, Flavio Ponzina, Onat Gungor, and Tajana Rosing. E-QUARTIC: Energy Efficient Edge Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource Optimized Learning. Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). 2025. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Amanda Rios, Priyanka Mudgal, Nilesh Ahuja, and Tajana Rosing. A Robust Framework for Evaluation of Unsupervised Time-series Anomaly Detection. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). 2024. PDF
- Fatemeh Asgarinejad, Flavio Ponzina, Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. HDXpose: Harnessing Hyperdimensional Computing’s Explainability for Adversarial Attacks. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). 2024. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. A2HD: Adaptive Adversarial Training for Hyperdimensional Computing-Based Intrusion Detection Against Adversarial Attacks. IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). 2024. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Elvin Li, Zhengli Shang, Yutong Guo, Jing Chen, Johnathan Davis, and Tajana Rosing. Rigorous Evaluation of Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection Against Adversarial Attacks. IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). 2024. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. ROLDEF: RObust Layered DEFense for Intrusion Detection Against Adversarial Attacks. Design, Automation and Test in Europe. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2024. PDF
- Xiaofan Yu, Minxuan Zhou, Fatemeh Asgarinejad, Onat Gungor, Baris Aksanli, and Tajana Rosing. Lightning Talk: Private and Secure Edge AI with Hyperdimensional Computing. IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2023. PDF
- Mitchell Timken, Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cyber Attack Detection in SCADA Power Systems. International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking (SmartNets). 2023. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. HD-I-IoT: Hyperdimensional Computing for Resilient Industrial Internet of Things Analytics. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2023. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. DENSE-DEFENSE: Diversity Promoting Ensemble Adversarial Training Towards Effective Defense. IEEE SENSORS. 2022. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. CAHEROS: Constraint-Aware HEuristic Approach for RObust Sensor Placement. IEEE SENSORS. 2021. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. ENFES: ENsemble FEw-Shot Learning for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis with Limited Data. IEEE SENSORS. 2021. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. OPELRUL: Optimally Weighted Ensemble Learner for Remaining Useful Life Prediction. IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (ICPHM). 2021. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Jake Garnier, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. LENARD: Lightweight ENsemble LeARner for MeDium-term Electricity Consumption Prediction. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm). 2020. PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. RESPIRE: Robust Sensor Placement Optimization in Probabilistic Environments. IEEE SENSORS. 2020. PDF (Best paper nominee)
Workshop Papers
- Onat Gungor, Amanda Rios, Nilesh Ahuja, and Tajana Rosing. TS-OOD: An Evaluation Framework for Time-Series Out-of-Distribution Detection and Prospective Directions for Progress. AAAI Workshop on AI for Time Series Analysis (AI4TS). 2025. (accepted) PDF
- Cagla Ipek Kocal, Onat Gungor, Aaron Tartz, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. ReLATE: Resilient Learner Selection for Multivariate Time-Series Classification Against Adversarial Attacks. AAAI Workshop on AI for Time Series Analysis (AI4TS). 2025. (accepted)
- Elvin Li, Zhengli Shang, Onat Gungor, and Tajana Rosing. SAFE: Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection Framework for Intrusion Detection. AAAI Workshop on AI for Cyber Security (AICS). 2025. (accepted) PDF
- Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, and Baris Aksanli. Adversarial-HD: Hyperdimensional Computing Adversarial Attack Design for Secure Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE/ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things, co-located with CPS-IoT Week. 2023. PDF (Best paper runner-up)
- Onat Gungor, Umut Cakan, Reyhan Aydogan, and Pinar Ozturk. Effect of Awareness of Other Side’s Gain on Negotiation Outcome, Emotion, Argument and Bidding Behavior. International Workshop on Agent-Based Complex Automated Negotiation (ACAN). 2019. PDF (Best student paper)
- Ye Tian, Onat Gungor, Xiaofan Yu, Tajana Rosing. Poster Abstract: Fine-grained Contextualized Activity Logs Generation based on Multi-Modal Sensor Data and LLM. ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys). 2025. (accepted)
- Onat Gungor. Towards Intelligent, Secure, and Efficient Industrial Internet of Things. PhD Thesis. University of California San Diego and San Diego State University Joint Doctoral Program. 2023. PDF